

Got to cut some ugly ass trees in the back yard. They are spoiling my dad's suburban myth for the watchful eyes of the neighbors with a new fence. Branches spewing off the trunk like one of those Ikea octopus lights, except less of a balanced mise-en-scene.

I think the best relationships are like plants. You can let them go for a few days and trust them to not fuck everything up for when you get back. Friends, my girlfriend, my parents, my sister, and students especially. I love students who don't fuck things up.

I learned this because I grew up pretty much alienated from everyone except the guys who were my best friends at various times. I never got too hurt, never got in too much trouble, never had to overcome some serious shit. Never had to believe in myths to feel okay. God, the devil, making money, dating. Never had to try real hard, never had to feel too bad that I didn't get good grades. Never had to feel bad about anything too much, except for that very concept.

I'm really talking about love here. I mean heavy feelings. I don't believe in book love or movie love, and I especially don't believe in song lyrics. If you do, I feel sorry for you and I definitely don't want to date you. You'd hate me in just a few days. Just not fucking things up love is what I give and take, all within a few city blocks.

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